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As airlines navigate through post-pandemic recovery, aviation remains inherently exposed to geopolitical events worldwide. Just months into 2022, our skies are being drastically redrawn, airlines are adjusting to operations amid a conflict with global ramifications, all while the sector is attempting to push on with building back from record-breaking losses incurred during the pandemic.

Nevertheless, air travel remains resilient. The industry is bouncing back. As air traffic is slated to double over the next two decades, there’s also the question around how we can achieve growth in a responsible, sustainable way, and a chance for us to explore how climate change goals are driving innovation in aircraft, fuels and technology that will determine the future of air travel.

What’s happening? Why does this matter? What next?

This is the Aviation Briefing — for £3.50 per month ($5).

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Subscribe to Aviation Briefing: Alex Macheras

This is the Aviation Briefing — a weekly newsletter with the most important developments, news & insight from across the aviation sector — analysis delivered directly to your inbox.


Aviation Analyst. Frequent Flyer. Broadcasting #Aviation News @LBC @SkyNews @BBC @AlJazeera @GMB. Gulf-Times Columnist. Global Aviation Policy. Channel 4‘s WMLA